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EdFlex Consulting Services


EdFlex Consulting Services

EdFlex provides a wide range of consulting services delivered with the institution in mind. We put together a team of highly trained and passionate developers, educators and managers. The first question usually asked is why consulting services?  The fact is that consulting allows you to take the experience and expertise of the best of multiple fields and bring them together in a complete solution that keeps administration, instructors and students in mind. The rise in competition is always a fact that needs to be considered, your institution needs to be up to date in order to maintain its excellent reputation.

The Instructor Side

As competition rises and the use of technology in institutes increase, demands for management to keep up with these needs increases. Maintaining manual course data or course development programs has been a traditional way of doing things, but that is quickly changing. Management also needs to serve such data online so that students or instructors can access them anytime or collaborate to create better courses. Our consulting services will analyze the way your teachers manage their courses and how courses are delivered. We will show you examples of different standards or compliment you on properly done courses! We can guide your instructors on how to create proper course materials and how to reach students attention if needed. We do not just provide new ideas, we also provide you with suggestions, comments or compliments for existing systems and courses according to standards and excellence. Our consultations are detailed and cost effective and your instructors will not only understand new technologies and methods but will also enjoy teaching their courses a lot more. Feel free to contact EdFlex for more on instructor consulting and we would love give you more insight.


EdFlex will provide detailed consultation, and give feedback on where things are done right; Thats what makes us different.

The Administration Side

EdFlex extends consultation services beyond the instructors to the administrators. The management of large amounts of records related to students, instructors and employees requires applications that can simplify and coordinate these records easily. Our consulting services for this purpose are targeted to provide you with solutions that will give you the best means for easy management. Maintaining the quality of education while modernizing it with technology is a daunting task for institutes these days. Maintaining the quality of education will require maintaining data integrity, keeping all required data and making sure courses are being delivered properly during this transition. EdFlex consulting makes sure that all these things are taken into consideration when suggesting applications, standards and changes.